California Free Classifieds

Can I buy your car or truck?

  • City: Lompoc
  • State: California
  • Ad Viewed: 51 Times


Are you selling a car but dont NEED all of the money now and willing to help someone out? You are just the person Im looking for. HERES THE SOB STORY: 2.5 years ago I left my husband of 8 years. I was a stay home mom during our entire relationship. He soon took away the family car . Because I had build my credit I was able to buy my own vehicle shortly after. He unnecessarily took me to court in attempts to take the kids from me since I had been a stay home mom. Or as he framed it I "didnt have a job and couldnt take care of the kids." When he saw that it took more than money to raise children and that no court would just take them from me he dropped the case. Still leaving me with a nearly 30k lawyer bill. I was staying afloat until he decided to stop paying court appointed child support... Twice. Like so many, I used my credit cards to stay afloat until that was resolved. My credit score plummeted from 725 to something a lot less appealing. Now that I am a single mom I have been babysitting, couponing, and being an elderly care giver. To make matters worse someone hit my car and it was deemed a total loss. I live in Damascus, MD. I NEED a car in order to be able to get to my patients and dig myself out of this financial hole. THE PROPOSAL: I am NOT looking for a handout. I can give you $2000 now and $200 every month until the debt is paid. I understand that Im asking for a lot of trust in a world where so many people act like trash. You will know were I live so there is no taking the vehicle and running. That is not even in my character. I've already attempted to get a car loan. They always ask for a lot of money down and a hefty monthly payment. I dont have money to waste right now. I need some wheels asap and an $8000 car that I pay $14000 for is not in the books. I could also trade services such as babysit your child[ren], weekly meal prep (Im from Louisiana), help you clean and/or pack to help pay off the debt. The agreement can include cash repayment only or a bit of both. I have 3 growing kids. My 9 yr old looks like she is 12 lol. So I'd prefer something like a minivan or acura mdx with a 3rd row. Something that isnt expensive to fix and as easy on gas as it can be. At the end of the day beggars cant be choosers. I NEED something with 4 wheels and safe to drive. It can be so easy to stumble. It takes the right person/situation to get you back on your feet. Thank you for your time!